CallProc(i,j,k+4);Most Pascal compilers push their parameters onto the stack in the order that they appear in the parameter list. Therefore, the 80x86 code typically emitted for this subroutine call (assuming you're passing the parameters by value) is
push i push j mov ax, k add ax, 4 push ax call CallProcUpon entry into
, the 80x86's stack looks like that
shown below (for a near or a far procedure).
You could gain access to the parameters passed on the stack by removing
the data from the stack (Assuming a near procedure call):
CallProc proc near pop RtnAdrs pop kParm pop jParm pop iParm push RtnAdrs . . . ret CallProc endpThere is, however, a better way. The 80x86's architecture allows you to use the
(base pointer) register to access parameters passed
on the stack. This is one of the reasons the disp[bp], [bp][di], [bp][si],
and disp[bp][di]
addressing modes use
the stack segment rather than the data segment. The following code segment
gives the standard procedure entry and exit code:StdProc proc near push bp mov bp, sp . . . pop bp ret ParmSize StdProc endp
is the number of bytes of parameters pushed onto the
stack before calling the procedure. In the CallProc
there were six bytes of parameters pushed onto the stack so ParmSize
would be six. mov
bp, sp
in StdProc
. Assuming you've pushed three
parameter words onto the stack, it should look something like shown below:Now the parameters can be fetched by indexing off the bp
mov ax, 8[bp] ;Accesses the first parameter mov ax, 6[bp] ;Accesses the second parameter mov ax, 4[bp] ;Accesses the third parameterWhen returning to the calling code, the procedure must remove these parameters from the stack. To accomplish this, pop the old
value off
the stack and execute a ret 6
instruction. This pops the return
address off the stack and adds six to the stack pointer, effectively removing
the parameters from the stack. This collection of parameters, return address, registers saved on the
stack, and other items, is a stack frame or activation record.
When saving other registers onto the stack, always make sure that you save
and set up bp
before pushing the other registers. If you push
the other registers before setting up bp
, the offsets into
the stack frame will change. For example, the following code disturbs the
ordering presented above:
FunnyProc proc near push ax push bx push bp mov bp, sp . . . pop bp pop bx pop ax ret FunnyProc endpSince this code pushes
and bx
before pushing
and copying sp
to bp
, ax
and bx
appear in the activation record before the return address
(that would normally start at location [bp+2]
). As a result,
the value of bx
appears at location [bp+2]
the value of ax
appears at location [bp+4]
. This
pushes the return address and other parameters farther up the stack as shown
below:Although this is a near procedure, the parameters don't begin until offset
eight in the activation record. Had you pushed the ax
and bx
registers after setting up bp
, the offset to the parameters
would have been four:
FunnyProc proc near push bp mov bp, sp push ax push bx . . . pop bx pop ax pop bp ret FunnyProc endpTherefore, the
push bp
and mov
bp, sp
should be the first two instructions any subroutine executes when it has
parameters on the stack. [bp+6]
make your programs very hard to read and maintain. If you would like to
use meaningful names, there are several ways to do so. One way to reference
parameters by name is to use equates. Consider the following Pascal procedure
and its equivalent 80x86 assembly language code:procedure xyz(var i:integer; j,k:integer); begin i := j+k; end;Calling sequence:
xyz(a,3,4);Assembly language code:
xyz_i equ 8[bp] ;Use equates so we can reference xyz_j equ 6[bp] ; symbolic names in the body of xyz_k equ 4[bp] ; the procedure. xyz proc near push bp mov bp, sp push es push ax push bx les bx, xyz_i ;Get address of I into ES:BX mov ax, xyz_j ;Get J parameter add ax, xyz_k ;Add to K parameter mov es:[bx], ax ;Store result into I parameter pop bx pop ax pop es pop bp ret 8 xyz endpCalling sequence:
mov ax, seg a ;This parameter is passed by push ax ; reference, so pass its mov ax, offset a ; address on the stack. push ax mov ax, 3 ;This is the second parameter push ax mov ax, 4 ;This is the third parameter. push ax call xyzOn an 80186 or later processor you could use the following code in place of the above:
push seg a ;Pass address of "a" on the push offset a ; stack. push 3 ;Pass second parm by val. push 4 ;Pass third parm by val. call xyzUpon entry into the
procedure, before the execution of
the les
instruction, the stack looks like shown below:Since you're passing I by reference, you must push its address onto the
stack. This code passes reference parameters using 32 bit segmented addresses.
Note that this code uses ret 8
. Although there are three parameters
on the stack, the reference parameter I
consumes four bytes
since it is a far address. Therefore there are eight bytes of parameters
on the stack necessitating the ret 8
Were you to pass I by reference using a near pointer rather than a far pointer,
the code would look like the following:
xyz_i equ 8[bp] ;Use equates so we can reference xyz_j equ 6[bp] ; symbolic names in the body of xyz_k equ 4[bp] ; the procedure. xyz proc near push bp mov bp, sp push ax push bx mov bx, xyz_i ;Get address of I into BX mov ax, xyz_j ;Get J parameter add ax, xyz_k ;Add to K parameter mov [bx], ax ;Store result into I parameter pop bx pop ax pop bp ret 6 xyz endpNote that since I's address on the stack is only two bytes (rather than four), this routine only pops six bytes when it returns.
mov ax, offset a ;Pass near address of a. push ax mov ax, 3 ;This is the second parameter push ax mov ax, 4 ;This is the third parameter. push ax call xyzOn an 80286 or later processor you could use the following code in place of the above:
push offset a ;Pass near address of a. push 3 ;Pass second parm by val. push 4 ;Pass third parm by val. call xyzThe stack frame for the above code appears below:
When passing a parameter by value-returned or result, you pass an address
to the procedure, exactly like passing the parameter by reference. The only
difference is that you use a local copy of the variable within the procedure
rather than accessing the variable indirectly through the pointer. The following
implementations for xyz
show how to pass I
value-returned and by result:
; xyz version using Pass by Value-Returned for xyz_i xyz_i equ 8[bp] ;Use equates so we can reference xyz_j equ 6[bp] ; symbolic names in the body of xyz_k equ 4[bp] ; the procedure. xyz proc near push bp mov bp, sp push ax push bx push cx ;Keep local copy here. mov bx, xyz_i ;Get address of I into BX mov cx, [bx] ;Get local copy of I parameter. mov ax, xyz_j ;Get J parameter add ax, xyz_k ;Add to K parameter mov cx, ax ;Store result into local copy mov bx, xyz_i ;Get ptr to I, again mov [bx], cx ;Store result away. pop cx pop bx pop ax pop bp ret 6 xyz endpThere are a couple of unnecessary mov instructions in this code. They are present only to precisely implement pass by value-returned parameters. It is easy to improve this code using pass by result parameters. The modified code is
; xyz version using Pass by Result for xyz_i xyz_i equ 8[bp] ;Use equates so we can reference xyz_j equ 6[bp] ; symbolic names in the body of xyz_k equ 4[bp] ; the procedure. xyz proc near push bp mov bp, sp push ax push bx push cx ;Keep local copy here. mov ax, xyz_j ;Get J parameter add ax, xyz_k ;Add to K parameter mov cx, ax ;Store result into local copy mov bx, xyz_i ;Get ptr to I, again mov [bx], cx ;Store result away. pop cx pop bx pop ax pop bp ret 6 xyz endpAs with passing value-returned and result parameters in registers, you can improve the performance of this code using a modified form of pass by value. Consider the following implementation of xyz:
; xyz version using modified pass by value-result for xyz_i xyz_i equ 8[bp] ;Use equates so we can reference xyz_j equ 6[bp] ; symbolic names in the body of xyz_k equ 4[bp] ; the procedure. xyz proc near push bp mov bp, sp push ax mov ax, xyz_j ;Get J parameter add ax, xyz_k ;Add to K parameter mov xyz_i, ax ;Store result into local copy pop ax pop bp ret 4 ;Note that we do not pop I parm. xyz endp The calling sequence for this code is push a ;Pass a's value to xyz. push 3 ;Pass second parameter by val. push 4 ;Pass third parameter by val. call xyz pop aNote that a pass by result version wouldn't be practical since you have to push something on the stack to make room for the local copy of I inside xyz. You may as well push the value of a on entry even though the xyz procedure ignores it. This procedure pops only four bytes off the stack on exit. This leaves the value of the I parameter on the stack so that the calling code can store it away to the proper destination.
procedure swap(name Item1, Item2:integer); var temp:integer; begin temp := Item1; Item1 := Item2; Item2 := Temp; end;If swap is a near procedure, the 80x86 code for this procedure could look like the following (note that this code has been slightly optimized and does not following the exact sequence given above):
; swap- swaps two parameters passed by name on the stack. ; Item1 is passed at address [bp+6], Item2 is passed ; at address [bp+4] wp textequ <word ptr> swap_Item1 equ [bp+6] swap_Item2 equ [bp+4] swap proc near push bp mov bp, sp push ax ;Preserve temp value. push bx ;Preserve bx. call wp swap_Item1 ;Get adrs of Item1. mov ax, [bx] ;Save in temp (AX). call wp swap_Item2 ;Get adrs of Item2. xchg ax, [bx] ;Swap temp <-> Item2. call wp swap_Item1 ;Get adrs of Item1. mov [bx], ax ;Save temp in Item1. pop bx ;Restore bx. pop ax ;Restore ax. ret 4 ;Return and pop Item1/2. swap endpSome sample calls to swap follow:
; swap(A[i], i) -- 8086 version. lea ax, thunk1 push ax lea ax, thunk2 push ax call swap ; swap(A[i],i) -- 80186 & later version. push offset thunk1 push offset thunk2 call swap . . . ; Note: this code assumes A is an array of two byte integers. thunk1 proc near mov bx, i shl bx, 1 lea bx, A[bx] ret thunk1 endp thunk2 proc near lea bx, i ret thunk2 endpThe code above assumes that the thunks are near procs that reside in the same segment as the swap routine. If the thunks are far procedures the caller must pass far addresses on the stack and the swap routine must manipulate far addresses. The following implementation of swap, thunk1, and thunk2 demonstrate this.
; swap- swaps two parameters passed by name on the stack. ; Item1 is passed at address [bp+10], Item2 is passed ; at address [bp+6] swap_Item1 equ [bp+10] swap_Item2 equ [bp+6] dp textequ <dword ptr> swap proc far push bp mov bp, sp push ax ;Preserve temp value. push bx ;Preserve bx. push es ;Preserve es. call dp swap_Item1 ;Get adrs of Item1. mov ax, es:[bx] ;Save in temp (AX). call dp swap_Item2 ;Get adrs of Item2. xchg ax, es:[bx] ;Swap temp <-> Item2. call dp swap_Item1 ;Get adrs of Item1. mov es:[bx], ax ;Save temp in Item1. pop es ;Restore es. pop bx ;Restore bx. pop ax ;Restore ax. ret 8 ;Return and pop Item1, Item2. swap endpSome sample calls to swap follow:
; swap(A[i], i) -- 8086 version. mov ax, seg thunk1 push ax lea ax, thunk1 push ax mov ax, seg thunk2 push ax lea ax, thunk2 push ax call swap ; swap(A[i],i) -- 80186 & later version. push seg thunk1 push offset thunk1 push seg thunk2 push offset thunk2 call swap . . . ; Note: this code assumes A is an array of two byte integers. ; Also note that we do not know which segment(s) contain ; A and I. thunk1 proc far mov bx, seg A ;Need to return seg A in ES. push bx ;Save for later. mov bx, seg i ;Need segment of I in order mov es, bx ; to access it. mov bx, es:i ;Get I's value. shl bx, 1 lea bx, A[bx] pop es ;Return segment of A[I] in es. ret thunk1 endp thunk2 proc near mov bx, seg i ;Need to return I's seg in es. mov es, bx lea bx, i ret thunk2 endpPassing parameters by lazy evaluation is left for the programming projects.